Where to read Why Goats Smell Bad and Other Stories from Benin by Raouf Mama direct link download german android price

Where to read Why Goats Smell Bad and Other Stories from Benin by Raouf Mama direct link download german android price

Where to read Why Goats Smell Bad and Other Stories from Benin by Raouf Mama direct link download german android price

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Book description

Book description
A quite interesting collection of about 20 traditional stories from the Fon people in the authors native Benin. Each one is only about four pages long, and each one has a note at the end where Dr. Mama explains the moral of the story and what it says about Fon culture. What I found very interesting is how similar many of the tales are to Western fairy tales such as Cinderella, etc. This book was in the childrens section of the library and certainly children would love it, but it would be of interest to adults too, particularly those wanting to learn more about African culture. I hadnt known anything about the Fon before I read this -- hadnt even heard of them -- but Dr. Mamas notes were revealing and made me want to learn more.
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