Where to read White Lace and Promises by Peggy J. Herring epub ibooks ipad

Where to read White Lace and Promises by Peggy J. Herring epub ibooks ipad

Where to read White Lace and Promises by Peggy J. Herring epub ibooks ipad

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Book description

Book description
Best-selling author Peggy J. Herring brings two of her most popular characters back to life in this sexy romance.Dr. Maxine Weston and her lover Betina Abbott have been together for a very long time. The couple has kept their relationship fresh and new by enjoying sexual romps in the most unusual places. Their desire for each other is evident in everything they do.When Betina begins experiencing bouts of depression, their world starts to crumble as antidepressants play havoc with Betinas libido. What will the couple do now that sex is no longer a part of their every day existence? Is their love strong enough to overcome the one missing thing that has bound them together all these years?White Lace and Promises is a story of discovery and awakening as Maxine and Betina realize that the most important thing in their lives may not be sex after all…
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