Where to read What Color Is Your Parachute? 2014: A Practical Manual for Job Hunters and Career Changers by Richard N. Bolles phone shop full version ipad download

Where to read What Color Is Your Parachute? 2014: A Practical Manual for Job Hunters and Career Changers by Richard N. Bolles phone shop full version ipad download

Where to read What Color Is Your Parachute? 2014: A Practical Manual for Job Hunters and Career Changers by Richard N. Bolles phone

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Book description

Book description
The worlds most popular job-search book is updated for 2014 to tailor its long-trusted guidance with up-to-the-minute information and advice for todays job-hunters and career-changers. In todays challenging job-market, the time-tested advice of What Color Is Your Parachute? is needed more than ever. Recent grads facing a tough economic landscape, workers laid off mid-career, and people searching for an inspiring work-life change all look to career guru Richard N. Bolles for support, encouragement, and nuts-and-bolts guidance on landing a job. Combining classic elements like the famed Flower Exercise with updated advice on social media and search tactics, this revised edition outlines what works--and what doesnt. Bolles demystifies the entire job-search process, from resumes to interviewing to networking, expertly guiding job-hunters towards their dream job.
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