Where to read Websters Compact Dictionary by Merriam-Webster (Editor) reading francais english torrent online

Where to read Websters Compact Dictionary by Merriam-Webster (Editor) reading francais english torrent online

Where to read Websters Compact Dictionary by Merriam-Webster (Editor) reading francais english torrent online

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Book description
Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, is an American company that publishes reference books, especially dictionaries.In 1831, George and Charles Merriam founded the company as G & C Merriam Co. in Springfield, Massachusetts. In 1843, after Noah Webster died, the company bought the rights to An American Dictionary of the English Language from Websters estate. All Merriam-Webster dictionaries trace their lineage to this source.In 1964, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., acquired Merriam-Webster, Inc., as a subsidiary. The company adopted its current name in 1982.
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