Where to read Unintended Consequences by Marti Green (Goodreads Author) touch ipad apple reader online

Where to read Unintended Consequences by Marti Green (Goodreads Author) touch ipad apple reader online

Where to read Unintended Consequences by Marti Green (Goodreads Author) touch ipad apple reader online

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Book description
How much would a father sacrifice for his child?Nineteen years ago, Indiana police found the body of a young girl, burned beyond recognition and buried in the woods. They arrested George Calhoun for murdering his daughter, and his wife testified against him at the trial. The jury convicted him. Now his appeals have been exhausted, and his execution is just a few weeks away. George said he didn’t do it. That the body isn’t his little Angelina. But that’s all he’s ever said – no other defense, no other explanation. Dani Trumball, an attorney for the Help Innocent Prisoners Project, wants to believe him. After all, there was no forensic evidence that the body in the woods was George’s daughter. But if the girl isn’t Angelina, then who is it? And what happened to the Calhouns’ missing daughter? For nineteen years, George Calhoun has stayed silent. But that’s about to change, and the story he tells Dani—if it’s true—changes everything.
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