Where to read Trial Run by Thomas Locke (Goodreads Author) mp3 francais read writer tom

Where to read Trial Run by Thomas Locke (Goodreads Author) mp3 francais read writer tom

Where to read Trial Run by Thomas Locke (Goodreads Author) mp3 francais read writer tom

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Book description

Book description
Reese Clawsons work is mind-bending--literally. Her company specializes in global data analysis for an elite group of industry executives, and now a lucrative government contract is moving her into the realm of cutting-edge intelligence gathering. She is determined to crack the limits of consciousness--and in doing so, the boundaries of secrets and lies. But her experiment crashes as test subjects slide into a coma-like state. Reese is left scrambling to maintain control, drawing three disparate people into the search for answers--an adrenaline-amped thrill junkie with altered brain chemistry, an Italian scientist working on remote-viewing technology, and a math prodigy whose algorithms subvert computer encryption.Will this piecemeal team prevail when a government operative is sent to investigate? As the threads of perception and reality become tangled and even time itself twists in unexpected directions, one warning remains clear: what you dont know can kill you.With a concept so daring and writing so gripping, readers will swiftly fall under the spell of Thomas Lockes endlessly creative mind. This thrilling psychological journey into the very nature of causation and consciousness will leave them turning the pages and grasping for solid ground.
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