Where to read Tocqueville and the American Experiment by William R. Cook epub pc original online free

Where to read Tocqueville and the American Experiment by William R. Cook epub pc original online free

Where to read Tocqueville and the American Experiment by William R. Cook epub pc original online free

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Bowling for Democracy...?Alexis de Tocqueville visited the US in 1830 during the Jackson presidency...the country was only 40+ years old and still trying to find its national identity. During the nine months in the US, Tocqueville traveled extensively, visiting with both the powerful (J.Q. Adams and Andy Jackson) and the common folk. He recorded his thoughts and impressions and wrote a two-parter, published in 1835 and 1840 entitled Democracy in America, in which gave his impressions about whats good and bad about our form of government at that time.In that time the US saw 24 states with roughly 12 million people...New York City was the largest city with a little more than 200,000 people. Hence, most of the country was rural...busy farming and pushing the boundaries of the country westward. The southern parts of the US were still dominated by semi-aristocratic plantation owners dedicated to the preservation of slavery...the northern states were becoming more anti-slavery...the entire nation looked to pushing the native Americans further west.Yet, amidst all this growth, Americans can be seen to exhibit an almost universal will to maintain and preserve their unique form of government that, as Tocqueville saw it, was composed of real, grass-root democracy at the local levels and a more republican government at the federal levels. He saw real value in local associations...something as simple as bowling leagues...in which people from different backgrounds could assemble in support of a common cause. The core values of this young country were seen as liberty and justice, with the role of women serving as a critical...almost necessary...role in sustaining the integrity of this countrys form of democracy.Professor Cook presents a series of lectures that serve as a kind of detailed Cliff-Notes version of Democracy in America in which he explains much of Tocquevilles views using modern examples and analogies. In a way, the lectures hold a mirror up to us today, helping us see ourselves through another set of eyes, allowing us to (maybe) correct some of the shortcoming and strengthen those values we still hold dear.These are smart, well-presented lectures that will only help you to understand what it means to be an American, warts and all. Some of the concepts and impressions are not comfortable...some are spot-on. If you are considering these lectures, you will not be disappointed...If you have them, listen/watch them again, especially during times leading up to important national elections (such as the time Im writing this review).Recommended strongly...especially when the course is on sale and you can get an additional 50% off...I got mine at about $0.71/lecture.
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