Where to read The War Against the Assholes by Sam Munson offline fb2 txt read download

Where to read The War Against the Assholes by Sam Munson offline fb2 txt read download

Where to read The War Against the Assholes by Sam Munson offline fb2 txt read download

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Book description
The world is a bit like The Magicians, but Mike & his friends dont go to the school. Those who do are the assholes. Why? Thats the story. Im still not sure if they really are or are any worse than our side, at any rate. Interesting take on magic - never really explained, but I just know theres a lot more out there. (Get writing, Munson!)Mike Wood, is a pretty typical teenage boy - a bit of a jock (football only), lazy, constantly horny, touchy. Not an endearing character, but very true to life. Munson had me laughing quite a few times, generally inappropriately, too. Teenagers are kind of fun from a distance - all hormones, ideals, answers with a lot of questions, angst, cynical wonder... Munson captures this well.I wanted to like this book more than I did. It has a lot to recommend it. It doesnt spell everything out in bold letters, but allows us to slowly realize what its all about through terse action sequences. Munson never tells if he can show. Description is kept to a minimum, but is almost poetic at times. I mean that in a good way - like Zelazny does it - a few descriptive words that capture the mood & let my imagination go with it. His prose was as terse as Zelaznys too - a little too little at times. I get the feeling he went back, edited out all extraneous sentences & then took out another 15% just to be safe. I could usually keep up, but there were a few times when I was really lost & there are still things (especially motivations at the end) that I dont understand at all. Im not sure if I missed something due to the audio book or not. Certainly some sections caught me off guard & were harder to catch up with in this format. It was particularly hard when he jumped ahead & then brought us up to speed. Is this a standalone? (I want a follow up, Munson. You cant leave me hanging, although you probably will. Youre kind of a prick, you know that? No one could write Mike so well unless they were & you did a great job.)I think Id like to read this in print at some point. A second read would probably shed a lot more light on the story. I have a feeling Ill like it a lot more then. I want to read more by this author too, although it looks as if he only wrote one other novel & that was 5 years ago. (Youre never going to write a sequel to this, are you?) Wish I could give this book a higher rating. Maybe some day.
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