Where to read The Victorian Flower Oracle Deck: The Wit and Wisdom of Jj Grandvilles Flowers Personified by Karen Mahony download mp3 fb2 iphone story

Where to read The Victorian Flower Oracle Deck: The Wit and Wisdom of Jj Grandvilles Flowers Personified by Karen Mahony download mp3 fb2 iphone story

Where to read The Victorian Flower Oracle Deck: The Wit and Wisdom of Jj Grandvilles Flowers Personified by Karen Mahony download

> READ BOOK > The Victorian Flower Oracle Deck: The Wit and Wisdom of Jj Grandvilles Flowers Personified

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Book description

Book description
A gorgeous, evocative deck of forty oracle cards based on the flowerper-sonified illustrations of famed Victorian artist JJ Grandville, taken from an original 1847 handcolored copy of his Fleurs Animee. This beautiful deck draws on ageold beliefs about the special magic and symbolism of flowers. Every flower is exquisitely depicted as a woman, and each card is a small work of art.
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