Where to read The Unbearable Nonsense of Craft Beer - A Rant in Nine Acts by Max Bahnson pdf ibooks

Where to read The Unbearable Nonsense of Craft Beer - A Rant in Nine Acts by Max Bahnson pdf ibooks

Where to read The Unbearable Nonsense of Craft Beer - A Rant in Nine Acts by Max Bahnson pdf ibooks

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Book description

Book description
Max Bahnson and Alan McLeod embark on a swashbuckling romp in the depths of the modern beer discourse. In a perilous journey that takes them through the time-space continuum and, where they meet an array of colourful characters, our heroes, never losing their grip on their pints bravely fight the layers upon layers of bollocks in the realms of Styles, Value, History, Law, Health, Language. PR, Evangelism and Fake Movements. All because they are either very bored, or quite drunk after so much beer.
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