Where to read The Selfish Demon King by Kyoko Wakatsuki kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

Where to read The Selfish Demon King by Kyoko Wakatsuki kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

Where to read The Selfish Demon King by Kyoko Wakatsuki kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

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Book description
Innocent Shizuku thinks hes just an ordinary high-school student - until a handsome and powerful Demon King from another world kidnaps and takes him away!Duga the Demon King tells Shizuku that hes not a human being, but actually an incubus - a beautiful creature whose physical charms absolutely no demon can resist. And whats more - hes taken Shizuku to his demon world in order to make him his life companion! Will Shizuku be able to resist Dugas advances? Or will he fall in love with the selfish but charming Demon King?Kyoko Wakatsukis sweet and sexy tale will transport you to a world where human-looking demons chase beautiful incubi, and where lust and love and romance intertwine! Contains illustrations by Naduki Koujima (Our Kingdom).
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