Where to read The Moon Was My Witness: The Jewish Boy Who Sabotaged the S.S. Commanders Motorcycle (Holocaust Memories) by Abraham Levy download pdf

Where to read The Moon Was My Witness: The Jewish Boy Who Sabotaged the S.S. Commanders Motorcycle (Holocaust Memories) by Abraham Levy download pdf

Where to read The Moon Was My Witness: The Jewish Boy Who Sabotaged the S.S. Commanders Motorcycle (Holocaust Memories) by Abraham

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Book description
Abraham Levy was once a happy blue eyed child, spending time with his beloved family, running on the beaches of Tel-Aviv and creating hopes for his future. Life was good. In the late 1930’s, as he entered his pre-teen years, a time when you are expected to gradually begin evolving into becoming a responsible and productive adult, Abraham had an expedited crash course in the most horrific and haunting ways ever imaginable as he headed back to Poland with his cherished loved ones. Everyone knows about the terrible crimes committed against the Jewish people during WWII. No need for me to describe those events in detail, especially when Abraham gives a first-hand account of the gruesome and heart wrenching scenes and episodes of inhumanity. Beatings, starvation, death and despair are counteracted by hope, bravery, courage and the fight to make his mother proud.This heartbreaking story was written with the blood, sweat, tears and raw emotions of a young blue-eyed Holocaust Survivor as the scenes that are forever burned into his memory spill out onto paper years later. Abraham entered that horrid experience as a young boy and in a way, became frozen in time. Even as an elderly man in body, it is obvious he is still that young child in spirit, looking for a place to hide from the memories and pain inflicted physically and even worse, mentally, while longing for his mother’s warm embrace and to see his family’s faces one more time.I am compelled to extend a huge thank you to Abraham Levy for his bravery, not only during those disgusting years of our history, but also the absolute courage it took to share his story with all of us. It is impossible for me to try and imagine what it must have been like. How could I? As tearfully descriptive as his real life events are revealed, there is just no way I could begin to picture going through something like that, let alone survive and move forward in life. If I try to envision my children being ripped from my arms, never knowing their fate, my brain slams the door, locks it and tosses the key to that image immediately. My mother passed in an extremely cruel manner from cancer and it was my duty (and honor) to be by her side every step of the way. It was the most difficult time of my life. But, to have lost her in the manner that Abraham had to endure? Again, my mind does not even know how to comprehend such a visualization and is left speechless. And those are just two situations out of so many Abraham was faced with over years of torture. I am actually at a loss for words on how to describe how it makes me feel down to my core. I am not sure if such words even exist. Do not get me wrong or misinterpret, I am very grateful and truly honored that Abraham entrusted mankind to read his story. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to see a factual glimpse into the Holocaust and to learn about one boy’s determination and bravery. Abraham, I know you made your mother proud. I received this product in exchange for my honest opinion based upon my personal experiences.
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