Where to read The Lives of Shadows: An Illustrated Novel by Barbara Hodgson without registering flibusta online no registration eng

Where to read The Lives of Shadows: An Illustrated Novel by Barbara Hodgson without registering flibusta online no registration eng

Where to read The Lives of Shadows: An Illustrated Novel by Barbara Hodgson without registering flibusta online no registration

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Book description
In the spring of 1914, a restless young man leaves England for a tour of the exotic east. A bit of Egypt, a glimpse of Syria, a nod to Constantinople -- thats all that was supposed to happen. Instead, Julian Beaufort becomes mesmerized. Wandering in idle admiration through the labyrinthine streets of Damascus, he stumbles upon Bait Katib, a house that takes possession of his heart. It is elegant; it is ancient; and it is, after a bit of negotiation with the owner, his. He has every intention of staying there for the rest of his life. But the world doesnt relinquish its hold so easily. Two bloody wars -- one in Europe and one in Syria -- leave Julian wounded and the city of Damascus in ruins. He returns from battle to find his precious house still standing, but no longer entirely his. It seems someone else may be occupying the shadows of Bait Katib. A mystery, a love story, and a journey to a sepia-toned past, Barbara Hodgsons new illustrated novel will haunt and delight her many devoted readers and tempt legions more to take a guided journey into another world.
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