Where to read The Izumi Shikibu Diary: A Romance of the Heian Court by Izumi Shikibu book ios full version full pdf

Where to read The Izumi Shikibu Diary: A Romance of the Heian Court by Izumi Shikibu book ios full version full pdf

Where to read The Izumi Shikibu Diary: A Romance of the Heian Court by Izumi Shikibu book ios full version full pdf

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Book description
Lady Izumi Shikibu corresponds charmingly, but her behaviour is improper indeed. She writes with grace and ease and with a flashing wit. There is fragrance even in her smallest words. Her poems are attractive, but they are only improvisations which drop from her mouth spontaneously. Every one of them has some interesting point, and she is acquainted with ancient literature also, but she is not like a true artist who is filled with the genuine spirit of poetry. Yet I think even she cannot presume to pass judgment on the poems of others. - from The Diary of Murasaki translated by Annie Omori.I mean, can you really trust the things Procopius says about Justinian and Theodora? Virgils Panderings about the Emperor? Heian Period court women talking about one another?Izumi Shikibu Diary could have the names changed and fit in perfectly into one of the Chapters of the Tale of Genji, so at the very least there was some serious competition going on. It was by far the most poetic of Diaries I read, a solid 50% of the work is just poems being passed back and forth.It was interesting from the perspective that, if this was a diary (it seems questionable) and this segment of her life really was like this, then it adds a certain credibility to Genji. Not tht Genji was fact, but that that it was potentially factual. That Heian period women (and men) were actually living that way.If so, it lends credence to my review of The Diary of Murasaki that any such society was damn well bound and determined to collapse.I mean, come on, its the middle of winter, snow falling in sheets, and the Prince and Izumi here are sending their pages out back and forth to carry poems? Whos making this paper, expensive paper, during this time? Whos growing and making the food and houses while these people spend two or three days crying into my sleeves? Heian Period Japan might have been a golden age for some, but it was as poor a dark age for most of the land as anywhere else in the world C.A. 900-1000 AD.
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