Where to read The Goddess of the Underworld (The Chronicles of Arianthem, #8) by Samantha Sabian (Goodreads Author) book text online view format

Where to read The Goddess of the Underworld (The Chronicles of Arianthem, #8) by Samantha Sabian (Goodreads Author) book text online view format

Where to read The Goddess of the Underworld (The Chronicles of Arianthem, #8) by Samantha Sabian (Goodreads Author) book text online

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Book description
Raine has been captured by the Goddess of the Underworld and her fate is exactly as she feared. The curse of the Arlanians, their intense sexual desirability and uncontrolled physical response, plays against her as Hel demands that she share her bed. But it is not Hel’s mistreatment of her that distresses Raine the most. Rather, it is the curious deference with which the Goddess treats her that fills her with dread.The allies in the mortal realm know that Raine is held prisoner, and there is no word of Raine’s love, the Ancient Dragon Talan. Still, that will not stop them from mounting a rescue. Planning moves forward until the final line of the prophecy reveals an unexpected translation, and all is thrown into disarray. Resolve falters as the ominous meaning becomes clear. The people of Arianthem must decide a course of action, for now they battle not merely a god, but fate itself. Even so, the mage Idonea, the elves Feyden and Elyara, the dwarf Lorifal, and the imperials Dagna and Bristol have sworn to rescue their comrade. And the young Tavinter leader, Skye, will not let them leave without her. This small band of adventurers, a handful who have actually been to the Gates the of Underworld, will save their friend, even if they have to go it alone.
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