Where to read The Giant Golden Book of Elves and Fairies with Assorted Pixies, Mermaids, Brownies, Witches, and Leprechauns by Jane Werner Watson fb2 bookstore tom book reading

Where to read The Giant Golden Book of Elves and Fairies with Assorted Pixies, Mermaids, Brownies, Witches, and Leprechauns by Jane Werner Watson fb2 bookstore tom book reading

Where to read The Giant Golden Book of Elves and Fairies with Assorted Pixies, Mermaids, Brownies, Witches, and Leprechauns by J…

> READ BOOK > The Giant Golden Book of Elves and Fairies with Assorted Pixies, Mermaids, Brownies, Witches, and Leprechauns

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Book description

Book description
I have the original and the reprint. My mother passed the original down to me. I bought the reprint because my mother cut out several pictures in the original, and I was dying to know what those pictures were! The illustrations have, as another reviewer noted, a much greater depth in the original than in the reprint with its slick, shiny paper. Though the illustrations in this reprint seem lacking in spirit, the stories remain, and the poems, and this is SUCH a wonderfully creepy book. Yes, there are nice poems about fairies, but you wont find anything saccharine in these pages. Im a great fan of the original fairy tales. This book pulls no punches. From memory . . . They stole little Bridget for seven years long, when she came down again, her friends were all gone. They took her lightly up again between the night and morrow; they thought that she was sleeping, but she was dead from sorrow.Its a wonderful book. If youre looking for a book of fairy tales and poems that havent been touched by Disney, I recommend this classic. And even though modern reprinting disserviced the art, the art is still as important as the stories. The book was illustrated by Garth Williams, famous for his simple drawings that helped bring Laura Ingalls Wilders books to life. This is a great book to read with your children or grandchildren. The stories, poetry, and art had a great influence on me as a child, inspiring me to write, to draw, and to go to the library in search of more books of real fairy tales and folklore.
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