Where to read The Feather Pillow and the Permanent Stiletto by Horacio Quiroga android download writer german pocket

Where to read The Feather Pillow and the Permanent Stiletto by Horacio Quiroga android download writer german pocket

Where to read The Feather Pillow and the Permanent Stiletto by Horacio Quiroga android download writer german pocket

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Book description

Book description
Review of the Second Horror Story - The Permanent Stiletto by W.C. MorrowWilliam Chambers Morrow was an American writer known for his horror short stories. He was born in the Deep South of Selma, Alabama in 1854. He gained some fame--though not wealth--after moving to San Francisco and befriending Ambrose Bierce, who also gained fame from his supernatural stories. Yet the classic horror stories of Morrow do not need the supernatural. They are supported on their own two legs as undeniable masterpieces in the horror genre and are full of biting irony.The Permanent Stiletto is one of W.C. Morrows best tales of revenge. Upon encountering this singular story for the first time, Vincent Starrett commented:There is more than a flavor of Poe in these lines; they are almost perfectly in the spirit of Poe; Poe in the half whimsical, half serious mood of The Cask of Amontillado. But Poe did not write them . . .by Andrew Barger, Editor of Best Horror Short Stories 1850-1899: a 66a6le Horror AnthologyBest Horror Short Stories 1850-1899: A 6a66le Horror Anthology
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