Where to read The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - The Skyrim Library, Vol. II: Man, Mer & Beast by Bethesda Softworks original android link online how download

Where to read The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - The Skyrim Library, Vol. II: Man, Mer & Beast by Bethesda Softworks original android link online how download

Where to read The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - The Skyrim Library, Vol. II: Man, Mer & Beast by Bethesda Softworks original android

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Book description
***This book was reviewed for the San Francisco Book Review***Skyrim Library Vol. II: Man, Mer, and Beast, by Bethesda Softworks, like the first such compilation, gathers together the various books of lore to be found throughout Skyrim. This one has sections on races, creatures and beasts, warfare, and factions. The first- races- has stories and history relating to the various groups of men, elves, and dwarves, among others. My favourite was the Ahzirr Trajijazaeri, and those parts relating to the Dunmer. Next up- creatures and beasts- has lore and tales concerning everything from giant cats, to ice wraiths, to horkers. Theres even a few recipes! My favourite was Ode to the Tundrastriders, and Cats of Skyrim.Warfare has tales of bravery, and fierce battle, along with more practical information regarding fighting skills, armourcraft, and weaponcraft. I particularly enjoyed the Black Arrow.Factions is the last section, and it covers various groups to be found throughout Skyrim. My favourite were the Brothers of Darkness, and the bawdy tale of the Thief of Virtue. Each section was chock-full of wonderful artwork, to illustrate the various tales and bits of lore and history. This is especially useful for people new to the game, or who like fantasy stuff, but have no interest in playing it. There are even hidden pages of riddles and logic problems!Ive played Elder Scrolls since Morrowind, and loved them all. They are such vastly immersive games. I enjoyed finding and reading the books and tales in-game. The Skyrim Library volumes do full justice to them, and are filled with beautiful sketches and paintings. If you love Skyrim or just enjoy fantasy, be sure to check out this second volume of the Skyrim Library- Man, Mer, and Beast!
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