Where to read The Effect of Global Climate Change on Infectious Disease by Rita R. Colwell (Editor) read epub on ipad

Where to read The Effect of Global Climate Change on Infectious Disease by Rita R. Colwell (Editor) read epub on ipad

Where to read The Effect of Global Climate Change on Infectious Disease by Rita R. Colwell (Editor) read epub on ipad

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Book description

Book description
Infectious diseases have had a profound effect on virtually every aspect of human history and culture. Despite advances in medical science, pathogens have caused the virtual annihilation of human populations and the displacement and the migration of millions. This book describes how human activities, climate change, and organisms such as zooplankton and shellfish affect the emergence and spread of disease. Edited by the former Director of the National Science Foundation, the text places particular emphasis on the unique means by which satellite data can be used to predict and track the spread of an infectious agent. Topics covered include vectorborne diseases, malaria, Rift Valley fever, and cholera.
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