Where to read The Design of High-Efficiency Turbomachinery and Gas Turbines by David Gordon Wilson mobi online reading

Where to read The Design of High-Efficiency Turbomachinery and Gas Turbines by David Gordon Wilson mobi online reading

Where to read The Design of High-Efficiency Turbomachinery and Gas Turbines by David Gordon Wilson mobi online reading

> READ BOOK > The Design of High-Efficiency Turbomachinery and Gas Turbines

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Book description

Book description
One of the only texts to focus on turbomachinery and gas turbines from the design point of view, this volume reviews the necessary thermodynamics, gives extensive design data, provides engine and component illustrations (with comments on good and less-than-good design features), and contains many worked examples - allowing students to produce preliminary designs that can be made and run quickly - as early as Ch. 5. More comprehensive than similar texts, it features a simplified - and more accurate thermodynamic treatment that eliminates the confusing use of gamma and specific heat together, and provides individual full-chapter coverage of axial-flow turbines and compressors and radial-flow versions of the same. *Contains a Brief History of Turbomachinery. *Features a design perspective throughout - and enables students to develop a preliminary design after Ch. 5. *Offers a unified treatment of energy transfer and vector diagrams - focusing on principles that can be applied easily to compressors, pumps, turbines - radial and axial. *Includes specialized chapters that give far more design data than other similar texts - allowing students to produce a design that can be made and r
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