Where to read The Compleat Anachronist, Issue # 148: The Astrolabe Part II: Making an Astrolabe by Michael A. Zachary online get iphone doc finder

Where to read The Compleat Anachronist, Issue # 148: The Astrolabe Part II: Making an Astrolabe by Michael A. Zachary online get iphone doc finder

Where to read The Compleat Anachronist, Issue # 148: The Astrolabe Part II: Making an Astrolabe by Michael A. Zachary online get

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Book description
This is the second part of the article from the previous issue. Like the previous issue, it suffers especially from not enough copy editing. Again, if all the diagrams were labelled, the discussion and directions would be easier to follow. This is a topic that would have greatly benefited from being one issue instead of two, making it simple to refer back to specific sections for things like definitions. There are some definitions provided in this issue, but not enough. Also, the diagrams could have been slightly bigger and the pertinent points more clearly labelled. Lastly, this is an instruction manual on how to make an astrolabe, by someone who has never made one. The process itself seems well researched and fairly well understood by the author, but I wonder if he had actually made one, if it would help in his explanation of same to others.
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