Where to read The Cayo Santiago Macaques: History, Behavior, And Biology by Richard G. Rawlins (Editor) epub download free

Where to read The Cayo Santiago Macaques: History, Behavior, And Biology by Richard G. Rawlins (Editor) epub download free

Where to read The Cayo Santiago Macaques: History, Behavior, And Biology by Richard G. Rawlins (Editor) epub download free

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Book description

Book description
This volume presents a broad spectrum of research on the Cayo Santiago macaques, a unique free-ranging colony of rhesus macaques in Puerto Rico. It includes thirteen scientific studies on the behavior and biology of the Cayo Santiago macaques, as well as a detailed history of the colony and a complete bibliography of over 260 scientific publications based on work at Cayo Santiago from 1938 through 1984. The chapters represent examples of both short- and long-term research conducted on the island over the past several years. Some are reviews, providing a synopsis of complex longitudinal studies of behavior, vocal communication, functional morphology, genetics, and population dynamics. Others document the results of opportunistic studies of behavior or biological surveys. The chapters cover a broad range of topics, but all share a common dependence on the detailed life history and genealogical data which make the Cayo Santiago macaque colony an important international research resource.
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