Where to read The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation: As Taught S. N. Goenka by William Hart eng original free access value

Where to read The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation: As Taught S. N. Goenka by William Hart eng original free access value

Where to read The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation: As Taught S. N. Goenka by William Hart eng original free access value

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Book description

Book description
The Ancient Meditation Technique that Brings Real Peace of MindVipassand-bhavand, the development of insight, embodies the essence of the teaching of the Buddha. As taught by S. N. Goenka, this path to self-awareness is extraordinary in its simplicity, its lack of dogma and, above all, its results. The Vipassana technique can be successfully applied by anyone.Based on the lectures and writings of S. N. Goenka--and prepared under his direct guidance--The Art of Living shows how this technique can be used to solve problems, develop unused potential, and lead a peaceful, productive life. It includes stories by S. N. Goenka, as well as answers to students questions, that convey a vivid sense of his teaching.S. N. Goenkas Vipassana courses have attracted thousands of people of every background. Unique among teachers of meditation, Goenka is a retired industrialist and former leader of the Indian Community in Burma. Although a layman, his teaching has won the approval of senior Buddhist monks in Burma, India, and Sri Lanka, a number of whom have taken courses under his guidance. Despite his magnetism, he has no wish to be a guru --instead he teaches self-responsibility. This is the first systematic study of his teachings to appear in English.
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