Where to read The 4-Ingredient Vegan by Maribeth Abrams information bookstore phone book eng

Where to read The 4-Ingredient Vegan by Maribeth Abrams information bookstore phone book eng

Where to read The 4-Ingredient Vegan by Maribeth Abrams information bookstore phone book eng

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Book description

Book description
These economical, ecological and healthful vegan recipes will appeal to anyone who wants to make nutritious food thats not complicated to prepare. Each recipe adheres to four main ingredients yet delivers delicious food that cover the whole gamut of main dishes, breakfast items, side dishes, salads, soups, dips, spreads, sauces, desserts, and drinks. Thai Vegetable Soup, White Bean Nacho Dip, Rosemary Sweet Potatoes, Stuffed Peppers and Aegean Pasta Salad are a few of the tasty meals that even novices will find easy to make.
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