Where to read Tempt Me with Darkness by Shayla Black (Goodreads Author) ipad author touch eReader read

Where to read Tempt Me with Darkness by Shayla Black (Goodreads Author) ipad author touch eReader read

Where to read Tempt Me with Darkness by Shayla Black (Goodreads Author) ipad author touch eReader read

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Book description
Hes an immortal knight hungering for satisfaction....As soon as Marrok sees Olivia Grays dark windswept hair and burning violet eyes, hes sure theyve met in eons past. Hes felt her soft gentle curves writhing in pleasure beneath his own hard powerful body...Morganna! For centuries, towering Marrok, once the mightiest of King Arthurs warriors, has endured a terrible curse cast upon him when he spurned the witch.Shes a modern woman about to discover ancient magic....Olivia shares a mystical - and irresistible - connection with brooding Marrok. Soon after the sexy warrior appears in her erotic dreams, he abducts her, demanding she uncurse him. Their intense passion is more powerful - and intimate - than either of them has ever known. Olivia may be the key to unlocking the diary that will break Morgannas hold on his life. But in the wrong hands, the book also holds the power to destroy all magickind. As they search for answers, a ruthless wizard returned from exile is building an army of evil. When he discovers Marrok and Olivia have the diary, only their love - with the help of a powerful group of magical Brethren - can save them.
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