Where to read Southern Comforts by JoAnn Ross (Goodreads Author) mp3 read iBooks txt get

Where to read Southern Comforts by JoAnn Ross (Goodreads Author) mp3 read iBooks txt get

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I tried to give this two stars but I just cant. I almost always enjoy JoAnn Ross, including some of her earlier books, but this 1996 clunker was a big disappointment. The writing is so much poorer than I expect from this author, perhaps because it was an early work. The whole book felt old school and out of date. It didnt help that the h was a celebrity journalist so there were distracting references to Princess Di and JFK Jr.s current adventures, not to mention couples like Bruce Willis and Demi Moore cavorting with their kids or Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman hanging out in Australia. The nice thing was at least I didnt need to read about Jennifer Hudson and her miraculous weight loss, LOL. The biggest problem was I didnt like the characters. They were perfect and annoying. I really hated that the H thought it was some kind of failing that the h would put off marriage in order to meet the admittedly absurd requirements of not marrying before age 30 so she could access a $2 million trust fund. And his attitude that only a rich person would make the decision to not throw away a fortune made even less sense to me. It was the 90s, for Petes sake. She could live with the man, have his babies, whatever and marry later. It isnt like either of them professed any deep religious beliefs or that they werent already going at it like minks. Oh, the writing. This has to be a really early or an early, rushed book because the writing was so poor and often cliched. Ross used the phrase whiter shade of pale which was a bit of a jolt and then put the darn song in my head. And I lost count of how often she used literally, several times in one chapter even and even for things that you can easily imagine happening like He literally trembled. Really? Literally? I literally rolled my eyes.
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