Where to read Sisters (Silhouette Special Edition No 1015) by Penny Richards full how read without signing selling online

Where to read Sisters (Silhouette Special Edition No 1015) by Penny Richards full how read without signing selling online

Where to read Sisters (Silhouette Special Edition No 1015) by Penny Richards full how read without signing selling online

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Book description
A SECRET BABY...Nineteen years ago, farmgirl Skye Herder was all chaste, forbidden temptation while her older sister was a ripe, willing female. A boy on the brink of manhood, Cash Benedict had to choose...Now, tormented by memories, compelled by desire, Cash was back. And Skye was a woman grown. Haunting, unforgiving, completely unforgettable, she embodied the beguiling past...and the electrifying future. For beside Skye stood a boy on the brink of manhood. A boy enough like Cash to be his...son.
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