Where to read Silent Night 3 by R.L. Stine (Goodreads Author) bookshop macbook book german without registering

Where to read Silent Night 3 by R.L. Stine (Goodreads Author) bookshop macbook book german without registering

Where to read Silent Night 3 by R.L. Stine (Goodreads Author) bookshop macbook book german without registering

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Book description
Reviewed on Lili Lost in a BookReva is back from college on winter break and someone is out to kill Reva... again. But can you blame them? After everything that happened to Reva in the last two books, she is still treating people like sh*t. Yes, even her cousin Pam *shakes head* Reva is still up to her horrible little jokes that end up hurting people, but for whatever reason, she gets a kick out of it. Now people around her are dropping dead, and Reva is probably next. She thinks she can get anything she want, and will lie to get it, and as previously mentioned, even hurt people along the way. Her own freaking cousin! All the people she has crossed, it’s no wonder someone is always out to get her on a constant basis. This girl... she just doesn’t learn her goddamn lesson, does she? I guess someone’s gonna have to refresh Reva’s memory... again.I loved the characters and setting—I just love Fear Street, okay? Lol. We met a couple of new characters throughout the series, which I always enjoy. I really liked Pam’s friend Willow—she was just great! Early on, we also meet Reva’s college roommate, Grace, who comes home with Reva for the holidays. Now, this surprised me because it was so nice of Reva to do. I have no idea where that generosity came from. It’s almost out of character for her. But anyway, Grace was... interesting. She was annoyingly skittish because of her stalker ex-boyfriend. I understand that he was just the worst, but Grace annoyed me! I actually found myself agreeing with Reva on this one point. I could not sympathize with Grace and I constantly found myself rolling my eyes at her thinking, “Get a grip, girl.”One thing I loved about the last two books was that they had amazing plot twists! This one, not so much. Well, no. They were interesting—the person behind all the murders and their motivation actually caught me a little by surprise. But only a little because the thing behind their motivation I had actually already guessed ahead of time. As soon as we were introduced to this particular character I knew there was something way off. Well, it was obvious to me anyway.Overall, though, I really enjoyed Silent Night 3! I honestly hope Reva has finally learned her lesson. I just feel awful for Pam for having to deal with this awful cousin of hers. Seeing as how this book completes the Silent Night trilogy, it’s safe to assume Reva did indeed learn her lesson. But with the recent Fear Street relaunch going on, you never know ;)As always, this was a great, thrilling holiday read... if you’re into that sort of thing ;)
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