Where to read Sermons on the Epistle to the Ephesians by John Calvin portable francais eReader book italian

Where to read Sermons on the Epistle to the Ephesians by John Calvin portable francais eReader book italian

Where to read Sermons on the Epistle to the Ephesians by John Calvin portable francais eReader book italian

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Book description
I love the variety in Calvins writings. There are really five strains: The Institutes, his commentaries, his polemical writings, his letters, and his sermons. Technically his sermons were not written by him, but transcribed by a faithful man in his congregation. Each of these types of writing shows a different aspect of Calvins ministry though they interconnected. I have now read his sermons on Deuteronomy,Micah,the Beatitudes, and now Ephesians. I find his sermons thoroughly edifying. He does a good job of opening the text. He speaks to the people, which gives the sermons a very different feel from his other writings. There are of lot let us and we must, etc. He is not afraid to take tangents when he feels it necessary. For example,he spends an entire sermon explaining baptism following Ephesians 5:26. The sermons are straight forward and not hard to understand. He repeats himself throughout each sermon to add emphasis. While there are not points, he will often say something like And that is Pauls point here. Or so that is what we need to see for our first point. He will occasionally take shots at the papists or the libertines, but this is not frequent. A good help to anyone preaching through or studying Ephesians.
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