Where to read Seeing Red by Kathryn Erskine online iBooks prewiew german touch

Where to read Seeing Red by Kathryn Erskine online iBooks prewiew german touch

Where to read Seeing Red by Kathryn Erskine online iBooks prewiew german touch

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Book description
National Book Award winner Kathryn Erskine delivers a powerful story of family, friendship, and race relations in the South.Life will never be the same for Red Porter. Hes a kid growing up around black car grease, white fence paint, and the backward attitudes of the folks who live in his hometown, Stony Gap, Virginia.Reds daddy, his idol, has just died, leaving Red and Mama with some hard decisions and a whole lot of doubt. Should they sell the Porter family business, a gas station, repair shop, and convenience store rolled into one, where the slogan -- Porters: We Fix it Right! -- has been shouting the familys pride for as long as anyone can remember?With Daddy gone, everythings different. Through his friendship with Thomas, Beau, and Miss Georgia, Red starts to see theres a lot more than car motors and rusty fenders that need fixing in his world.When Red discovers the injustices that have been happening in Stony Gap since before he was born, hes faced with unsettling questions about his familys legacy.
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