Where to read Running Well: Run Smarter, Run Faster, Avoid Injury... And Enjoy It More! by Sam Murphy kindle pdf book macbook mobile

Where to read Running Well: Run Smarter, Run Faster, Avoid Injury... And Enjoy It More! by Sam Murphy kindle pdf book macbook mobile

Where to read Running Well: Run Smarter, Run Faster, Avoid Injury... And Enjoy It More! by Sam Murphy kindle pdf book macbook mobile

> READ BOOK > Running Well: Run Smarter, Run Faster, Avoid Injury... And Enjoy It More!

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Book description

Book description
This book is full of good information, from assessing footwear to preventing and recovering from injury. It also includes stretches and warm-up and cool-down exercises to do before and after runs, and on days off.In some areas I found that the author tried to put too much information in too little space; I think the book could have benefited from being a handful of pages longer so that she could go into greater detail in a few areas. Overall, though, I found this book an interesting read and I picked up some new information to add to my training program. Highly recommended, particularly for new runners!
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