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Book description
Blame it on Asimov. Ever since he had unleashed the “Foundation” saga, with its maddeningly realistic-yet-improbable glimpses of future where mankind shapes the fate of the universe through ups & downs, every writer ‘doing’ sci-fi has felt like having one of his/her own epics in that vein, comprising doorstopper novels and intimidatingly long novellas. As it happens, readers have thrown away most of the garbage, and all that we are left with are hard & compact stories. Stephen Baxter has tried (with considerable success) to tell several epical stories concerning the fate of mankind, separately. One such arc is commonly known as the ‘Xeelee Sequence’, and this book contains several stories & novellas (all of them are stand-alone) depicting various points & stages in that particular ark.Trying to summarise the stories would essentially give away vital plot-points of the sequence, and readers who are yet to encounter that sequence in the form of the novels might find such a summary as utterly ‘killjoy’. Hence, I would refrain from that, and would confine myself to offering the following observations:1. This is mostly a bleak book. When you keep in mind the time-frame of the chronologically arranged stories (1st story AD 5301, 19th /final story AD 10,00,000), you are bound to feel depressed because, from our perspective, even a decade seems to be inordinately long. Also, the modifications that humanity undergoes during this time-span are not just physical (unlike other space-opera or ‘hard’ SF), but mostly emotional, and that is not very inspiring.2. While wars and wanton savagery (both resulting not just from tactical quest for resources, but primarily due to intolerance & suspicion towards anyone or anything ‘different’) have already started ravaging our planet, to read about a future where mankind becomes less ‘humane’ than aliens and carries out such savagery on a universal scale to ensure that the species becomes a monolithic parasite intent on exploiting everything indefinitely, is positively depressing.Precisely for these reasons, the two stories that have stuck in my mind, and to which I might return in future, are ‘Mayflower II’ (dealing with a stage where mankind has become triumphant and has started exploring again, for the sake of discovery) and ‘The Siege of Earth’ (mankind loses everything, but childhood & innocence remain there, perhaps awaiting freedom from virtual space). Now, it’s your call.
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