Where to read Reel Psychiatry: Movie Portrayals of Psychiatric Conditions by David J. Robinson mobi ibooks ipad

Where to read Reel Psychiatry: Movie Portrayals of Psychiatric Conditions by David J. Robinson mobi ibooks ipad

Where to read Reel Psychiatry: Movie Portrayals of Psychiatric Conditions by David J. Robinson mobi ibooks ipad

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Book description

Book description
Reel Psychiatry is a compendium of movie examples of psychiatric conditions, with expert commentary on the accuracy of the portrayals. This text covers most of the conditions found in the DSM-IV-TR and is a suitable resource for patients, families, students, and instructors. There are introductory chapters detailing the diagnostic process in psychiatry, followed by an explanation of the disorder and diagnostic criteria in plain English before the movie examples are discussed.
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