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We begin in the wilds north of Seattle, only its twenty thousand thousand years ago and theres an ice age. Early man is hunting mammoth and running from saber tooth tigers. Luckily, in the moment when your grandpappy was about to become cat food, some giant brave handsome hairy pithecus shows up and wrassles kitty with his while OUR forebears haul tail into the woods. Its a little hard to see why, but boom, an ageless inter-species friendship is formed. Slam forward to today and the Russians are involved and therere diamonds the size of ostrich eggs and Czarina Anastasia and a planet splitting nuke and wagonloads of gold and Bigfoot (Yah, Bigfoot. You really didnt see that coming?) Think Louis LAmour meets Johnny Quest. Think Jason Bourne meets Edgar Rice Burroughs, most of all think Tom Clancy, cause this is a rip-off of his Nerve Center, or the Avengers, or whatever theyre called.only...Easily the worst written book I ever read.Lets start with the by now reliable indicator of one eyebrow arched, sardonically, move right past a warm feeling she didnt understand and bad grammar and even fantastic kinematics and marksmanship to settle on plain old plot screwups. Example: (and it hurts all the more that this is the absolute crescendo, where our hero outsmarts the villain, as youll shortly see if you care to read the... ) (view spoiler)[Sit down Smithers, and consider yourself lucky I dont let Jack take a swing at you. Youre the one who told the Russkies we planned to blow em up with a giant nuke, arent you! I want my lawyer.Youll get your lawyer, all right. Meanwhile, Ive got a few questions, such as, why did you sell out your country and give away our Top Secret plan called Solar Flare? I never heard of anything called Solar Flare!Then.... why did you just say it, eh? Caught you lying red handed! I knew youd give yourself away; bad guys always do. Did you hear him, Mr. President?Yes. Yes I did. Ive been listening here all along. Youll hang for this Mr. Smithers, said POTUS, over the red phone.I swear it went down just like that. </spoiler> (hide spoiler)]
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