Where to read Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting by Erik Mona author offline read ebook txt

Where to read Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting by Erik Mona author offline read ebook txt

Where to read Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting by Erik Mona author offline read ebook txt

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Book description
The exciting world of the Pathfinder Adventure Paths comes alive in this massive full-color hardcover tome primed up and ready to go for your new d20 campaign Detailed sections on more than 40 nations - from the barbaric frontiers of Varisia to the devil-tainted cities of Cheliax to the frigid Hold of the Mammoth Lords - provide a full picture of the world of Golarion, with new rules, new magic and spells, detailed descriptions of more than 30 gods and their religions, and a gorgeous poster map detailing the entire campaign setting.
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