Where to read Palm Latitudes: A Novel by Kate Braverman fb2 bookstore tom book reading

Where to read Palm Latitudes: A Novel by Kate Braverman fb2 bookstore tom book reading

Where to read Palm Latitudes: A Novel by Kate Braverman fb2 bookstore tom book reading

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Who just won the P & W Jackson Award, a $50,000 prize given in honor of an American poet of exceptional talent who deserves wider recognition? Mullen teaches at UCLA, and the best imaginable description of her work comes from a former long-term resident of Los Angeles, one of my surpassingly favorite writers, Kate Braverman. While utterly singular in their respective gifts, the two women resemble each other in their subversive--if not felonious, even treacherous--phrases and cadences and magic. Speaking of her own work, Braverman says:Ive tropicalized and feminized the language. You must get into the fortress of words and from there subvert. Los Angeles was a border town, a languid Mexican fishing village rocked by an Oakie beat. An English that flows elegant, seductive, the Santanas in her skirt. The prototypical fire is the word. All else is fashion.Mullen herself was born not 90 miles away from me in the resonantly named town of Florence, AL; but stranger things have happened: I was reared, like Angela Davis, Emmylou Harris, and Sonia Sanchez, in Bombingham itself. Mullen, however, I like to call the love-child of W. C. Handy and Gertrude Stein. Just ask Ms. Davis, author of BLUES LEGACIES AND BLACK FEMINISM (Pantheon, 1998), who lives now not far up the road from Braverman herself--at least in her L.A. Noir days.http://www.facebook.com">Face...www.poets.org
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