Where to read Olivias Birds: Saving the Gulf by Olivia Bouler itunes read cheap book view

Where to read Olivias Birds: Saving the Gulf by Olivia Bouler itunes read cheap book view

Where to read Olivias Birds: Saving the Gulf by Olivia Bouler itunes read cheap book view

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Book description
It’s extremely rare that I feel horribly guilty for borrowing rather than buying a book. I have extremely limited disposable income so I do borrow most of my books. This one I might have to buy.I love kids, and this eleven-year-old author is incredibly impressive. She’s a fine artist and writer, but most importantly she cares. She cares about birds and the environment, and she is creative enough to use her talents to make a difference, a huge difference, both directly and by inspiring other kids (and I hope adults too) to do what they can to make a difference.I love Olivia’s bird paintings. They’re wonderful! The information about birds that Olivia gives is interesting, fascinating. I was near tears at points knowing Olivia’s artwork and her book are earning money for charity that will help birds, and the environment in general too. Olivia even gives tips on how to help, including for those who are not likely to have her artistic gifts.This is a fabulous book for showing how one person can make a difference and it’s also attractive, educational, and entertaining. And, I’m virtually certain I’d have given it only ½ star less had the author-illustrator been an adult. The age of the author-illustrator-activist is amazing and inspiring and humbling.Note: This is an Aduubon book.And, there are photos of Olivia included, which I enjoyed and I think kids will appreciate too.
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