Where to read Nurse Clementine by Simon James eng iphone cheap book download

Where to read Nurse Clementine by Simon James eng iphone cheap book download

Where to read Nurse Clementine by Simon James eng iphone cheap book download

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Book description
Clementine is a little girl who loves to play nurse to her family, much to their dismay. When her little brother finds himself in a crisis, its Nurse Clementine to the rescue! This book has simple text and illustrations that young readers can easily follow. They can tell a story based on the illustrations and get the gist of the text if they cant read on their own yet. This book made me almost LOL because it reminded me of my younger niece (5) and her little brother. I plan to give it to her for Christmas and I hope she liked it. If you have a little one who loves to play doctor or nurse or has a fascination with bumps, scrapes, bruises and other injuries, this book is for them!
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