Where to read Not the End of the World by Christopher Brookmyre ipad purchase pocket ebook book

Where to read Not the End of the World by Christopher Brookmyre ipad purchase pocket ebook book

Where to read Not the End of the World by Christopher Brookmyre ipad purchase pocket ebook book

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Book description
This is not a novel so much as a hysterical rant against religion.Its a heavy-handed, tedious morality play. The heroes are rational atheists; the villains are an abortion clinic bomber and a televangelist willing to commit mass murder in order to steer America back to the path of righteousness.The book savages easy targets: fundamentalist Christians, the sort who think God Hates Fags and believe the earth is 6,000 years old. It also saves a little venom for child-molesting Catholic priests. After the triumphant finale (view spoiler)[where the porn star saves the day and the Christian villain is shown to be a hypocrite (hide spoiler)]
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