Where to read My Exodus: Leaving the Slavery of Religion, Loving the Image of God in Everyone by Alan Chambers read txt how download audio prewiew

Where to read My Exodus: Leaving the Slavery of Religion, Loving the Image of God in Everyone by Alan Chambers read txt how download audio prewiew

Where to read My Exodus: Leaving the Slavery of Religion, Loving the Image of God in Everyone by Alan Chambers read txt how download

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Book description

Book description
In sharing his own story of being a committed believer who struggled with same sex attraction early in his life, author, husband, and father Alan Chambers will help you understand the issues from the inside. And as the former president of the largest ex-gay ministry, Alan knows all the arguments, the concerns, the scriptures, and the heartaches. My Exodus encourages us to look for and affirm the image of God in everyone. Its a reminder that God is still at work and deeply loves his creation. And its a book for everyone who wants to be welcoming and loving to all people without compromising their faith or their biblical theology. Through personal and powerful stories and opening the scriptures, you will come to understand how to love all people and positively engage our culture in the red hot conversations and topics surrounding LGBT and the Church Ultimately, My Exodus equips us all to be better and do better in God-honoring ways. By embracing the idea of loving well because we want to and not because we have to, we will find hope for ourselves, for the Church, and for our world.
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