Where to read Moonlight Masquerade by Michelle Kasey download book free mobi

Where to read Moonlight Masquerade by Michelle Kasey download book free mobi

Where to read Moonlight Masquerade by Michelle Kasey download book free mobi

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Book description
Book 1 in Ms. Kasey’s Regency Duet.  The sequel is A Difficult Disguise.This is still one of my all-time favorite books.  I can’t help but love the Beauty and the Beast/Phantom of the Opera theme and characters.  Christine Denham is on her way to London with her aunt for her first season when their coach gets overturned in a blizzard.  The nearest manor is Hawk’s Roost, where Vincent Mayhew, the Earl of Hawkhurst lives as a recluse.  Hawkhurst is living in guilt of what he believes he did to his best friend’s sister, and his one-time betrothed Arabella.  He has the scars on his face and a near-useless left arm as constant reminders of that pain.  However, now that Christine is intruding on his solitary life, his heart can’t help but warm to her.  The attraction between the two is immediate and passionate.  Can Christine help mend Vincent’s heart?  Or will he succeed in pushing her away?Fletcher Belden is Arabella’s brother and the hero in A Difficult Disguise.
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