Where to read Montessori in the Classroom: A Teachers Account of How Children Really Learn by Paula Polk Lillard page ebook online torrent touch

Where to read Montessori in the Classroom: A Teachers Account of How Children Really Learn by Paula Polk Lillard page ebook online torrent touch

Where to read Montessori in the Classroom: A Teachers Account of How Children Really Learn by Paula Polk Lillard page ebook online

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Book description

Book description
The sections on special children, personal development and the math and language curriculum are excellent, and Polk Lillards comments on her own mistaken assumptions and expectations are really helpful and revealing. Over and over again, the children actually demonstrate what they need and are capable of, and the adults have to patiently observe and wait to learn what they must provide to the children.However, there are some serious differences between the classroom (and school) depicted in this book and the fully-implemented Montessori Primary classroom. (Polk Lillard was teaching a class with only five-year-old children, rather than a class with a full three-year age spread; pull-out and drop-in programs interrupted the 3-hour work cycle; the other classrooms at the school apparently did not use Montessori pedagogy.) Though this is a good illustration of the workings of a Montessori classroom at a non-Montessori school, I would hesitate to recommend this book to people who are not already well-acquainted with the Montessori method and familiar with the basic concepts of the Primary work and classroom cycles.
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