Where to read Manatee Winter [With Plush Manatee] by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld pdf online

Where to read Manatee Winter [With Plush Manatee] by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld pdf online

Where to read Manatee Winter [With Plush Manatee] by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld pdf online

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Book description
This bountiful series introduces young readers to a myriad of animals who inhabit the earths wet wonderlands.-- A Parents Choice Approval for 19 title book and tape series.-- Each book includes an informative note and glossary full of fascinating facts confirmed by the Smithsonian Institution curators.-- Read-along cassettes incorporate authentic sea sounds, such as real-life recordings of dolphins and whales.-- Toys authenticated by Smithsonian Institution curators for realism.Two gentle giants must swim up a Florida river to escape the chill of winter. Along the way, Little Calf dives deep -- and gets tangled in a clump of water-weeds. Can his mother save him?
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