Where to read Living With The Enemy: An Outline Of The German Occupation Of The Channel Islands With First Hand Accounts By People Who Remember The Years 1940 To 1945 by Roy McLoughlin reader download thepiratebay purchase without signing

Where to read Living With The Enemy: An Outline Of The German Occupation Of The Channel Islands With First Hand Accounts By People Who Remember The Years 1940 To 1945 by Roy McLoughlin reader download thepiratebay purchase without signing

Where to read Living With The Enemy: An Outline Of The German Occupation Of The Channel Islands With First Hand Accounts By People

> READ BOOK > Living With The Enemy: An Outline Of The German Occupation Of The Channel Islands With First Hand Accounts By People Who Remember The Years 1940 To 1945

> ONLINE BOOK > Living With The Enemy: An Outline Of The German Occupation Of The Channel Islands With First Hand Accounts By People Who Remember The Years 1940 To 1945

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Book description

Book description
I was given this book by a relative who had visited the Channel Islands, and was interested in reading it to prepare myself for a visit I will be making to the Channel Islands very shortly. I had read several other books on Guernsey and Jersey before reading this one so didnt come at it with a blank slate.This book is absolutely loaded with pictures which I found fascinating and does an excellent job giving an overview of what life was like in the various Channel Islands without going too heavily into detail. There are lots of first person memories recounted and lest anyone think the Islanders got away with it easy during the war it makes it very clear that they did not. Included in the book are several things told from the viewpoint of the Germans as well.The author stated that the average soldier felt almost as much of a victim of the situation as the people whom he had over-run. Both the Islanders and the Germans were starving by the last year of the war, and when Red Cross parcels arrived, the Germans could not partake of them.Id highly recommend this book to anyone planning a visit or just interested in what life was like for the Islanders living under the Nazi regime.
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