Where to read Lao She in London by Anne Witchard look eng full story read

Where to read Lao She in London by Anne Witchard look eng full story read

Where to read Lao She in London by Anne Witchard look eng full story read

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London is blacker than lacquer. Lao She remains revered as one of China great modern writers. His life and work have been the subject of volumes of critique, analysis and study. However, the four years the young aspiring writer spent in London between 1924 and 1929 have largely been overlooked. Anne Witchard, a specialist in the modernist milieu of London between the wars, reveals Lao Shes encounter with British high modernism and literature from Dickens to Conrad to Joyce. Lao She arrived from his native Peking to the whirl of Londons West End scene - Bloomsburyites, Vorticists, ?avant-gardists?of every stripe, Ezra Pound and the cabaret at the Cave of the Golden Calf.?Immersed in the West End 1920s world?of risque flappers, the tabloid sensation of Englands most infamous Chinaman Brilliant Chang and Anna May Wongs scandalous film?Piccadilly, simultaneously Lao She spent time in the notorious and much sensationalised East End Chinatown of Limehouse. Out of his experiences came his great novel of London Chinese life and tribulations -?Ma & Son: Two Chinese in London. However, as Witchard reveals, Lao Shes London years affected his writing and ultimately the course of Chinese modernism in far more profound ways.
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