Where to read Lagu Cinta Akiko by Machiko Satonaka eReader download online ebay itunes

Where to read Lagu Cinta Akiko by Machiko Satonaka eReader download online ebay itunes

Where to read Lagu Cinta Akiko by Machiko Satonaka eReader download online ebay itunes

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Book description
Debut in 1964 with Pia no Shouzou on Shoujo Friend with which she won the 1964 Koudansha New Face Cartoon Award. Classic Shoujo-mangaka. Satonaka has become a TV celebrity and appeared many times on TV quiz shows.In 1974, she took the Koudansha Publishing Culture Award with Shining Tomorrow (Ashita Kagayaku) and There Goes the Princess (Hime ga Yuku); the Koudansha Cartoon Award in 1980 with The Hunters Constellation (Kariudo no Seiza). She serves as an Executive Director of the Japan Cartoonists Association.Taken from this site: http://users.skynet.be/mangaguide/au1...
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