Where to read Killer Angel: A Short Biography of Planned Parenthoods Founder, Margaret Sanger by George Grant (Goodreads Author) txt german pc download review

Where to read Killer Angel: A Short Biography of Planned Parenthoods Founder, Margaret Sanger by George Grant (Goodreads Author) txt german pc download review

Where to read Killer Angel: A Short Biography of Planned Parenthoods Founder, Margaret Sanger by George Grant (Goodreads Author)

> READ BOOK > Killer Angel: A Short Biography of Planned Parenthoods Founder, Margaret Sanger

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Book description

Book description
This account of the life of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, has eclipsed numerous books to become one of the most enlightening books I’ve ever read. Having heard bits and pieces over the years about the abortion industry and its underlying philosophies, I was nevertheless unaware of the extent of the depraved views that undergirded the drive for birth control, abortion, sterilization, and other monstrosities that are now so eagerly embraced in our society. What’s more, the Christian community as a whole has played right into the evil intentions of eugenicists who sought to undermine the power of Christianity through their heinous practices. Every Christian should read this book and do some serious soul-searching and Scripture-studying to realign our cultural practices with the ways of God.
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