Where to read Japanese Celebrations: Cherry Blossoms, Lanterns and Stars! by Betty Reynolds download german via how read mobile

Where to read Japanese Celebrations: Cherry Blossoms, Lanterns and Stars! by Betty Reynolds download german via how read mobile

Where to read Japanese Celebrations: Cherry Blossoms, Lanterns and Stars! by Betty Reynolds download german via how read mobile

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Book description
This multicultural childrens book is full of Japanese holidays, culture, language and stories!The people of Japan love to celebrate. In fact, they love it so much they have a day of celebration, whether its a change in season, a religious observance, or just a special moment in life, every month of the year. Brimming with ancient traditions, exotic decorations, and delicious, seasonal foods, Japanese Celebrations will take you on a month-by-month tour of some of Japans best-loved festivals.Beautifully illustrated and full of fascinating facts about Japanese holidays and celebrations, this 48-page picture book offers a vivid picture of some of Japans most festive events including New Years, Childrens Day, Cherry Blossom Season, Harvest Moon Viewing, Christmas in Japan and many more.With simple but informative text and illustrations that explain the significance of the dress, decoration, food, gifts and activities associated with these events, Japanese Celebrations promises to delight and educate young readers and parents alike.
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