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Where to read Intercultural Marriage: Promises & Pitfalls by Dugan Romano flibusta no registration online how to original

Where to read Intercultural Marriage: Promises & Pitfalls by Dugan Romano flibusta no registration online how to original

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Book description
There really is very little in terms of a self-help book on this subject, so there is really little choice but this one book. Overall - its interesting, but not very practical or helpful in terms of advice. The author primarily takes us through anecdotal notes based on a number of couples shes claimed to work with.But the anecdotes are just that - you dont really get to know who the couples are, what they are about, what their circumstances were, whether they divorced or stayed together happily. Though the book is in its third edition, it doesnt seem as if the anecdotes have really been updated, and the sources cited to remain quite dated.I think what was the most useful thing about the book was getting an idea of oh, my situation isnt THAT bad, and also the summary of issues towards the end. Its worth a look if you find yourself contemplating cultural barriers in a relationship, but dont expect any Answers.
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