Where to read In the Bin: Reckless & Rude Stories Form the Penalty Boxes of the NHL by Lloyd Freeberg eng find free tom touch

Where to read In the Bin: Reckless & Rude Stories Form the Penalty Boxes of the NHL by Lloyd Freeberg eng find free tom touch

Where to read In the Bin: Reckless & Rude Stories Form the Penalty Boxes of the NHL by Lloyd Freeberg eng find free tom touch

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Book description
So named because it is the author, not the players, who are in the penalty box (a/k/a the sin bin), this is a collection of basically anecdotal stories. Freeberg is an off-ice official for the Anaheim Ducks and his stories stem from that experience. Many deal with his time as the attendant of the visitors penalty box, others as a goal judge, including during Stanley Cup playoff games (the NHL requires goal judges in playoff games be from teams not playing in the game). But it is little more than a collection of anecdotes, several of which consume more space telling us about the background of the player(s) involved then the actual incidents or events.[return][return]Originally posted at http://prairieprogressive.com/2007/02...
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